About the schools

In Amstelveen and Ouderkerk aan de Amstel there are different types of primary schools:

 “Openbare scholen” best translated as public schools are non-religious schools.  They are open to every type of student, education is not based on religious grounds.

As for schools based on religion or philosophy of life, we have in Amstelveen Protestant Christian, Roman Catholic, Islamitic and a Reformatory primary school. 

In the Netherlands, the differences between religious and non-religious schools are not very big except for a Reformatory school. If you want to know how a school shapes its religious foundation, we advise you to contact the school in question.

There are also primary schools with a specific educational concept. They teach from certain ideas about upbringing and education. For example in Amstelveen Montessori schools (De Linde and Mio Mondo) and Waldorf School (Parcival)

If you would like more information, please check https://www.government.nl/topics/primary-education

Annebet van Mameren from New2NL made a video about the different educational philosophies in the Netherlands. Underneath you will find the video.